Employee Stressors and Wellbeing of Healthcare Workers in Government owned Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria
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Published: 20 November 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The study examines the correlation between Employee Stressors such as working overtime, workload and wellbeing of Healthcare Workers in Government owned Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria. using the descriptive quantitative cross-sectional design, data were collected from 650 participants randomly selected from a population of 3774 working in two tertiary government-owned hospitals in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. the sample size was determined using the Survey Monkey sample size determinant calculator. Data was collected using a self-developed structured questionnaire. data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Result revealed that working overtime significant relates to the wellbeing of health workers (calculated r-value of 0.38 ‹critical r-value of 0.112). Findings also revealed a significant correlation between workload and the wellbeing of health workers (calculated R-value of 0.29 ‹ critical R-value of 0.113). Base on this finding, there is a need for educational programs and workshops that is aimed at promoting a healthy work environment as well as healthy lifestyle and behaviour among health workers.
Keywords: Employee Stressors, working overtime, workload, wellbeing, healthcare workers.

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How to Cite
Angioha, Pius U., Omang, Thomas A., et. al. (2020-11-20). "Employee Stressors and Wellbeing of Healthcare Workers in Government owned Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 4, 36-43